Regional Variety Trial Tables

Wheat and Barley Regional Variety Trial Tables

The Alberta Regional Variety Trial (RVT) program provides farmers with unbiased, third-party, independent data on the yield and agronomic performance of cereal variety performance in Alberta. Field trials are conducted with rigorous consistent protocols while trial and data quality are audited and checked to ensure the reliability of this information.

The Alberta Regional Variety Testing program for cereals is coordinated by the Alberta Regional Variety Advisory Committee (ARVAC) and Alberta Grains. Dr. Sheri Strydhorst is the RVT trial coordinator and is responsible for experimental design, acquisition and distribution of seed, field trial inspection, analysis of trial data and preparation of the data summary tables.

Funding for the program was provided by: Alberta Grains, Alberta Oat Growers Association, Alberta Seed Growers, Alberta Seed Processors, Results Driven Agriculture Research, and from entry fees for the varieties being tested.

Third-party Independent Data to Help with Selecting New Varieties

Below is a link to the current RVT tables. When growers are selecting a variety for their farm, decisions should not be based solely on yield performance, as it is only one factor that affects net return.

The yield potential of a variety is often masked by numerous factors, some of which can be controlled through variety choice and astute agronomic management. Producers are encouraged to consider other characteristics such as maturity, plant height, lodging and disease or pest resistance when deciding which varieties to grow.

More information on understanding the information in the tables and how the trials are conducted can be found here.

RVT Tables

RVT tables for other crop types including canola, cereals, flax silage and special crops which are also listed in the Alberta Seed Guide and can be found here.

Dr. Sheri Strydhorst is the RVT trial coordinator and is responsible for experimental design, acquisition and distribution of seed, field trial inspection, analysis of trial data and preparation of the data summary tables.